Factors That Affect the Price of a Christmas Light Installation Service Connor Devine April 29, 2023

Factors That Affect the Price of a Christmas Light Installation Service

Christmas Lights Installation Cost
Christmas Lights Installation Cost

Factors That Affect the Price of a Christmas Light Installation Service

A professional Christmas light installation service can save homeowners a lot of time and effort, and also ensure that their lights are evenly hung. The cost of installing Christmas lights varies according to the type of house and how many strands of lighting are needed.

In addition to the costs of the lights themselves, there are additional charges for timers, power outlets, and installation fees. The best way to get the most accurate pricing is to request quotes from multiple companies.

Size of your home

When installing Christmas lights, the size of your home will have an impact on how many strands of lights you’ll need to complete the job. If you have a large home with dormers or arches, it will require more strands of lights than a smaller house with a simple roof line.

Christmas Light Installation Service

Christmas Light Installation Service

A professional Christmas light installation service will take the size of your home into account when determining pricing. They will visit your home for an initial consultation and take measurements of the roof line, if necessary.

Some companies offer all-inclusive packages, which include the cost of the lights and their installation. This option is more convenient and saves homeowners from the hassle of shopping for lights and storing them after the holidays. In addition, some companies will take down your lights for you after the holiday season.

Type of lights you want to install

When choosing Christmas lights, consider the number of strands and clips you want. Small palm trees and shrubs may only require a few strands of lights, but larger trees will need many strands of lights to cover their height. You should also decide whether you want white or colored lights.

A professional company will provide all the necessary supplies, including light installation and takedown services at the end of the season. They will also take care of tangled lighting and broken bulbs. Some companies even offer permanent lighting options, which can save homeowners money on electricity and maintenance costs.

Installation location

Depending on the location of your home, installing Christmas lights can be costly. For example, homes with high roofs require a lift or special ladders to access the roofline and may cost more than standard homes.

You may also have to pay for timers, which are devices that turn lights on and off at scheduled times. The number of timers you need will depend on your home’s layout and the design of your lighting display.

Installation difficulty

Hiring a Christmas light installation professional can save you time and energy. It is also safer. Many companies employ people who enjoy working outside in cold weather and have the physical ability to climb ladders and clamber onto rooftops. These workers can be paid salaries, along with workman’s compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance if applicable.

Christmas Light Installation Service

Christmas Light Installation Service

Some companies offer lighting packages that include lights, installation, and removal. They also come with timers that automatically turn lights on and off at scheduled times. The cost for these packages is typically more expensive than purchasing your own lights, but it may save you money in the long run. Many companies also offer discounts if you book your installation before the holiday season starts. This will also save on shipping costs.

Lighting equipment

Lighting equipment is a huge part of startup costs for a Christmas light installation service. It can be expensive, but you can save money by buying your lights during the summer or after Christmas. Some vendors also offer clearance sales at the end of the season.

In addition to the cost of lights, you will also need to purchase extension cords and stakes. You will also need to invest in a timer, which will automatically turn the lights on and off at scheduled times. 

Since a holiday lighting business is seasonal, you will need to have enough storage space for the lights after they are removed. It’s important to set up an accounting system that will automate your invoicing process.

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